Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Week of the flu

Finally, I can say with confidence our family is Flu free ... somehow everyone managed to escape the first round of the H1N1 flu ... except Julia. The Thursday before Halloween we opted to get the girls vaccinated and wouldn't you know it, 7 hours later Julia came down with a 103 temp and vomitted 4 times. Yes, again my child threw up ALL over ME! For some reason this is just what they do. Fortunately, Julia really did a great job of recovering all on her own. It was a very long week of fevers and no sleep but we made it through and she's back to her peppy spunky self.

Other tidbits in our life:
~We decided to take Emma out of pre-school for the Winter months. Her teacher and doctor were in agreement that she was better off staying at daycare for the Winter and her teacher reassured us that Emma is right on task and above average in most areas so she had no concerns about her taking a few months off.

~Julia is gabbing away - though the sentences are not understandable to most ears we can tell what she's "trying" to say. Things like:
  • "Ishuta" = I shut it
  • "fyfy" = firefly
  • And while reading Good Night Moon "goomoobye,kitty, balloo, bye, moon" = Good Night Moon, Good night Kittens, Good Night Balloon, Good Night Moon (this is actually the most adorable thing EVER -- she sits in the rocking chair and flips through the pages very quickly and says this same sentence on EVERY page, absolutely adorable)
  • "Niiiighty" = Good night
  • "Go! DeDee Go!" = Go Dewey, go! (and she says this with the arm waving and a big deep voice)
  • "ADBD" = ABCD ...
~Julia is also enjoying dancing in big big circles, she's created her own "floor routine" too where she does a minute of spinning around, then rolls on the floor and flips onto her back and says "ahHA!" with a big grin of pride!

~ Emma has just finished Soccer! Though we were not so sure midway through the season if she was cut out for it or if she was just too young, we were pleasantly surprised and impressed at how well she did for the last 3 weeks of practices/games. We no longer had to go on the field with her, she was no longer pretending to be an airplane chasing all of the soccer players, and she actually practiced kicking the ball INTO the goal. It was a really good first experience for her and we are thinking about signing her up for Spring Soccer.

~And since Emma has been asking for a year to join dance ... we start Ballet/Tap class this Saturday morning. This is uncharted territory for me, but of course I am very excited to see her all dressed up. But any dance tips will be gladly accepted here!!!!

~I am so proud of a few people and wanted to share:
I am proud of my Mom and how strong she has been through her recovery from hip surgery. She's already walking with out any assistance! She's driving and has had a really positive attitude. Great job, Mom.
I am proud of Sara who has really been disciplined and is in the best shape!!!! She's been my motivator and running partner and we are doing great, but she's rocking!!
I am proud of Michelle, for all of her hard work at school. She's been volunteering and spending a ton of observation hours at schools in Florida and she's also taking 5 classes!!!!

~Today I got to have a lunch date with Rob and it was so wonderful! Sometimes the hubby comes up with a great idea and he knows better than me when to take a break. Thanks babe!!!

I am very much looking forward to the upcoming holidays and lots of quality time with friends and family. Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead.

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