Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Flu updates

Ok, as any reporter knows ... don't ever report with confidence because when you do it is certain that the other shoe will drop. I posted my last updated on last Tuesday and by Friday at 9:15 a.m. Julia had spiked a fever. Mysterious. She was healthy for the better part of 4 days, stopped her antibiotic for double ear infections on Thursday night then BAM ... Friday morning fever which resulted in a full body shutdown which is now being looked at as a 'febrile seizure'. The really good thing is, her body did what it was supposed to do to fight the new infection. Well that's how the doctor explained it to us. Though I was panicked and still have moments of complete horror, the doctors assure us that this type of seizure is fairly common in children under the age of 6 and has no correlation to a neurological condition. But, come on! It's our little girl ... but you know what, through it all she's doing remarkably well. We are lucky, even though I feel like she's constantly fighting something, she is fighting it so we have to know that she's actually healthy and for that we are truly blessed. But what I've learned is, we are living in a new time. A time where there are bigger bugs than before.
I think through all of this I've struggled with not being home. If I were home and not working would she be getting sick? If I weren't at work, I would have been the one with her when she spiked the fever and seized. We are so fortunate to have the most loving and experienced babysitter. Renee was calm and did exactly what we would have done and Julia is OK. After a trip to Children's Hospital, which was actually really smooth and pleasant, Julia was back to her sweet, spunky self. We do have to watch her for cold or fever like symptoms and be preemptive with Motrin to hinder her fevers from spiking and she's still fighting a gross gross cold with another ear infection, but I have to say overall this kid is a trooper!!
So I'm sending this out there ... can the flu/cold season please END ... this family has had enough of it already!


  1. poor baby girl! we are thinking of you and hoping she is feeling better soon! yes, flu season can end anytime now

  2. Mary- take some peace in knowing that even when moms stay home with their children they still get is having a happy mom that is most important!!!
