Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What will you join?

Today has been looked at as, "a day for change", " dawn of a new era" and "a new birth of freedom". With the inauguration of President Barack Obama I can not help but to feel inspired and proud to be an American. I sat and watched and listened to our 44th President with excitement, with hope, with respect for what he stands for. CHANGE HAS COME! I love the idea of his community gatherings ... the Neighborhood Balls, what a wonderful way to bring together a nation that has been torn down. His message that "We have chosen hope over fear" and reminds us that there is work to be done. I also admire his honesty that the change must also be from each of us, individually we must be the difference. So today I ask, what will you join? How will you be involved to help your community and your nation succeed?

1 comment:

  1. I emailed the local food pantry to volunteer!! I am inspired!
