Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weekend of fun!

Long weekends bring such ease and fun. We had a great weekend together as a family.  Bike rides, BBQ's, Bubbles, Painting, Popsicles and Hillbilly Horseshoes!  We really got to unwind and enjoy the nice weather, all while catching up with family and friends.  That's what it's all about!  
Strawberry popsicles, YUM!
Julia's 1st creative act, my Mom pointed out that she was sitting in the chair using her pointer finger for a reason ... so get out the paint!  And this is what she created!!!  Maybe the next Monet?

Emma created her own hopscotch with our plastic bowls during a rainy afternoon
Rob with Emma on the bikepath near our house
Rob and Emma getting ready for a day out, Mommy got a day out too!
My new flower project, each year I TRY to grow flowers, we'll see how this year goes

Michelle and Luigi got Emma new fairy wings, which she has worn everyday since ... even when  "finger" painting (her works of art are actually pretty good)

Julia, still chooses to crawl outside, but took tons of solo walking trips on her own over the weekend

Emma on her princess bike

A thought I pondered over this long weekend ... how do you keep your bedroom CLEAN?  I spent the better part of 2 mornings sorting the girls clothes, reorganizing their closet and then putting all of their "outgrown clothes" in piles in our room, which I feel like I can no longer label "our room" or maybe "our" room is right?  If Our equals the entire family's clothing storage room?  UGH, any one else feel like their bedroom is the last place we keep organized and peaceful?  Well, my new goal is to make our bedroom a bedroom again, with out piles of kids clothes and winter coats cluttering it up! 

1 comment:

  1. No suggestions on the bedroom but would love to hear what you come up with since I have the same problem. Currently as I am commenting my bed is covered in folded clothing of the boys!
