Thursday, December 4, 2008

Amazing ...

Deceptively Delicious ... lives up to its name. Sara invited me and the girls over for a scrumptious and nutritious dinner. I am always looking for great ways to eat a balaced meal so when she shared her new cookbook the other day and invited us over for a tasting, I could not pass this up. It was amazing. The turkey meatball soup was sweet and savory, and very filling. She also had a healhty spinach salad and to top off the meal -- chocolate chip cookies made with chick peas!!!! Yup you read that correctly, chick peas. But they were absolutely delish and you could not tell there were any beans in them. So I am now adding this to my wishlist ;). Thank you Sara, you never cease to amaze me in how you can balance motherhood and friendship with such grace.
On another amazing note, little Miss Emma is quite the reader. She has memorized entire books! Tonight at bed time she read the entire Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book and recalled the correct story line from each page. I know she can not really read but does a 2 1/2 year old really have that good of recall memory to have the story correct on the exact page? She's something I tell ya.
I have a question related to breastfeeding, so for those of you reading who do not want any more BF'ing content this is your cue ...
How much milk is enough for a 9 month old? I have looked in a few books and online but haven't gotten a clear answer. Julia has her check up next week but in the mean time I am curious. She has cut down to only 2 solid nursing sessions a day (morning and before bath time), I am pumping at work but lately she's only drinking 2-3 ounces of that milk while at daycare. She does drink water through out the day (probably 4-6 ounces) and is truly on a full 3 meals per day. It just seems like she went from a baby to a table eater overnight. Now that she has diced table food it's also getting hard to give her the pureed stuff. She does eat yogurt each day and some shredded cheese every few days but I'm just worried she may not be getting enough with out more breast feeding sessions ... any thoughts?

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