I found myself a bit sluggish midway through my long run last week and then inspiration came from the oddest place ... Sister Sledge's "We are Family". Not that I don't like that song, I actually really do, but I didn't realize it was on my iPod, nor did I think it would ever be a song to "get me through the last 1.3 uphill leg of my run".
But like many good moments in life, it comes from the least expected places. So in a time where life just seems uncertain ... and I - the forever optimist - am having moments where I am beginning to view the world through a "glass half empty" lens, I took a few deep breaths, opened up my ears and really listened to the song. It surprised me that it really touched me ... "Have Faith in YOU and in the Things You Do ... you won't go wrong". It sounds so simple, yet it resonated. I think we all have questions, we all have moments of doubt, we are all living in a different world, but it's important, actually it's really necessary to find ways to find Faith. Those who know me well, know that my Faith is not religiously based but I still do have Faith. I have Faith in people, that we all really care about the good of our world. Sometimes that Faith can be rocked ... really really rocked but if we find ways to make moments count and put Faith back into ourselves I think ... I hope ... that the glass will be half full. So this Sister is doing it, putting Faith back into myself and sharing with you all so that you know I have Faith in YOU and the things that you do too!
PS. If you're needed a pick me up, feel free to turn your speakers on and listen to Sister Sledge -- it's #6 on my playlist below -- who knows maybe it will bring a smile to your day.